While I wasn’t a Rubik’s Cube master, I had a few friends who could solve them in seconds. I had a few other who moved on to more difficult cubes, like the 4×4 or 5×5. Eventually, everyone hit a point where the cubes became too difficult to solve. This video shows the quest of one person to go far beyond myself or anyone I know and tackle a true monster of a Rubik’s Cube, better known as the 17×17. When you see how intricate and humongous it is, you will be amazed that it only took him seven hours to solve (compared to how long it took me to figure out the standard 3×3, that’s actually quite an impressive feat)! Tell me about your Rubik’s Cube escapades below in the comments. What is the most difficult variation you’ve been able to solve? Featured photo credit: Largest Rubik’s Cube/ RedKB via youtube.com